Sunday, December 2, 2018

End of Semester Thoughts

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Happy Sundays readers,

As college students, we've all made it to the end of the fall semester. Even when we thought we weren't going to survive some days because of the workload and constant deadlines, but here we are thriving and surviving. Today's blog post will consist of how I learned to balance out my life differently this semester. I truly feel this fall semester of my senior year helped me grow and flourish. It taught me to appreciate the bad because without the bad I wouldn't be here sitting appreciating the good.

I Learned to Stay Consist in Everything I Do 
I learned when you're consistent in everything you do in life, your outcomes are better. Being consist of school is what we must realize as students. When you stay consist of your education, your grades are better, stress can be lessened, and you'll have more time to what you want outside of school. Consistency is important of every aspect of life. A good example is when you stay consist in going to the gym every day like you promised yourself you would. When you stay consist in going to the gym every day, you see results faster and you feel a boost of self-confidence. Well, school is the same way. I learned throughout the fall semester of my senior year if I want to continue to do well academically, I must remain consist. Consistency in getting your homework done ahead of time, consistent in studying for a test, and consistent in always being on time for class. I believe the only way to be consistent is to stay disciplined. I know it may sound impossible when you are a full/part worker and a student. But it is possible and it is worth it. Consistency is key in an academic career. I wish I would have been more consistent in the earlier stages of my academic career, but now that I have learned that it gets you further in everything you do, I share this advice with you. Discipline = Consistency = Success.

Make Time for Yourself
College is stressful, there is no doubt about it. It is important to take care of your mental and physical health throughout your time being in school. What are some ways to make time for yourself? One way to make time for yourself in a positive way is to go to the gym. I know, I know, you're probably thinking you're "too exhausted" from work and school. But the moment I started going to the gym, I felt a huge relief lifted off of my shoulders. I was able to take out all my frustrations by lifting weights and seeing progress. Going to the gym took care of my mental health AND my physical health because it was "me" time. Gym time was a time I could get away from the world and focus on myself unselfishly. As the gym is my personal "me" time, I suggest ways to find your "me" time is do always do what makes you happy. If it's being alone writing poetry, going out around town with loved ones, or taking a long car drive with the windows down and music up, please do it. You deserve it.

Surround Yourself with Good People
Surround yourself with people who want to see you win. Surround yourself with people who understand that your education is important to you and there will be many nights that consist of you being stuck at home studying for an exam on a weekend. Get friends that understand that you are in school to better yourself. Good friends will understand your devotion and understand that college is not easy. It is important to have a good support system because there will be days if you question if college is worth it. There will be days where you're going to feel like you can't accomplish things. But when those days come along, there is nothing better to get you through then a great support system. Do not allow any negativity in your life while you are simply trying to better yourself by receiving an education. Trust me, you will already have enough stress. The least you can do for yourself is have good people surrounding you. And, if you don't have many people you are close to that you consider your friends, remember that family is forever. Just please don't feel you must put school second to keep people around that would never consider putting yourself first in their life.

Never Sell Yourself Short, Your Time is Coming 
There will be days when you're going to feel behind in life, but I promise, it's going to be okay. You log onto Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat and see your friends getting married, having a baby, buying a new car, and getting their first home. You feel like you're doing something wrong in life. You question yourself why can't you have any of those things in your life. The answer is, it's not your time yet. It's okay to feel like you're behind at times because it motives you to get ahead, but when you overthink it, you start to feel sad and question if you are doing things right in life. Don't put a timeline on your success is the first rule. I use to get bothered when I would see people I graduated high school already graduating college before me when we start college at the same time. I would get bothered when I'd see someone land a job that relates to their future professional career while I worked at a dead-end job. Then I realized, it simply is not my time. I learned to continue to focus on your goals and ambitions and you will go further than you ever imagined. Stop comparing yourself to the world around you because you are where you are for a reason. Enjoy the process and embrace every mistake as the mistake will be your guide to do things correctly the next time around. Be confident that you are making the right choices and realize that taking life day by day is a lot less overwhelming than trying to keep up with the "Joneses". Your time will come and your life will be exactly how you've dreamed for it to be as long as you keep your goals in clear sight. Ignore the distractions, but pay attention to your journey. As it is your journey and you must make the most of it.

Sunday Reflection

Happy Sunday readers,

I hope this week was filled with good vibes and you're feeling in the Christmas spirit! Today's blog post marks my 3 month anniversary since I have started my personal blog. I'd like to reflect with everyone what I have learned during my fall semester of my senior year from my Professional Writing class.

Using a LinkedIn Account 

During this semester, I learned how important networking is and how it will help you find a job easier after undergrad and grad school. You have to break the cycle of being shy and sell/market yourself as a professional for doors to open. An easy way to start to market and sell yourself is to create a LinkedIn account. LinkedIn is a website where you can customize your profile by adding your work history, education, and get connected with professionals of your chosen profession and people nearby who have the similar interest as you job wise. You are able to choose what interest you when you create your LinkedIn account by hashtagging keywords. For example, if you are interested in corporate law, you will hashtag "#corporatelaw" and corporate Law articles and law firms will appear on your timeline when you go to the home page of your LinkedIn. I had personally made a LinkedIn account about a year ago and never had any interest in using it until I learned how much of a useful job search tool it can be and how the website allows a user to connect to the professional world. If you do not have a LinkedIn, I highly recommend the website to everyone no matter what your profession may consist of. You can also connect with your peers, classmates, and professors that may help lead you to opportunities that you never knew you had. If you are interested in creating a LinkedIn account, make sure to finish all the steps to complete your profile to give you a higher chance of getting noticed by employers and finding connections.

Creating Reports for the First Time
Another important thing I learned was how to design a report. I had never designed a report in my 4 years of being an undergrad student and it made me feel behind with a lack of experince. It was intimidating at first when I found out I had to create a report of my own and pick the organization i'd like to proposal my report for. My professor explained and elaborated how important creating reports would be in graduate school and continued to explain that this was not going to be the first or last time creating a report. The report I worked on consisted of having a cover page, table of contents, cover memo, an abstract, introduction, methods, findings, findings, and finalizing our recommendations in that order. I went ahead and chose a non-profit organization that stood against child abuse in Texas. This organization needed a lot of work to be at the success level it aimed to be. That's where I came in and explained on my report to the organization to why I would be the best person to chose to get the job done. Doing this report taught me how to present my skills, talents, and aspiration to make a difference to an organization and allowed me to get familiar with future reports I'll have to conduct in the future.

Designing a Personal Website 
Creating a website for the first time may have you looking like a deer in headlights, but I promise it's fun! My first time creating my own personal website was a bit challenging trying to get the navigation bar right to make my website user-friendly. There are many things to be aware of when creating your own professional website. You must consider who your audience is, what will be the first thing they see when they enter your website, is your contact information available, and does your professional bio going to interest people enough to work with you. The most fun part about creating your own website is your the boss and you get to chose how you want the world to see you. The background you chose for your website is extremely important because you're not going to choose a glitter background with hearts if you are creating a website for a lawyer career. As cute as a glitter background with hearts sounds, you have to stay professional. Your background has to consist with the font you chose and it will give your website the personality it needs to thrive and catch the attention of the right viewers and potential clients if your website is a professional one. The way I saw things while creating my own professional website is to think of your website as a resume that you can customize with detail and personality. Make it presentable, sharp, and that makes others want to hire you or work with you.

I Mentioned 3 Things I Have Learned...
Concluding that I have reflected on some things I learned during my Professional Writing course, the question is if I will be returning to blog again as I have been every Sunday. I have decided to stop blogging until I have been accepted into law school. I feel within the next year and being a law student, I will be a completely different person with a lot more experince and stories to share with everyone. As I have made this blog based on becoming an attorney, I look forward to growing and perfecting my craft as a writer and sharing information with other law students when I actually become a law student myself. I have never in my life blogged until this fall semester and it's a nice mental getaway to type about what I have learned, overcome, and experince. The journey to becoming an attorney will continue, as I look forward to growing through life with knowledge and personal insights to help, inspire, and express myself. Until next time,

Best Wishes,
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End of Semester Thoughts