Sunday, September 2, 2018

Hello and welcome. It's a pleasure to meet you!

About Me
My name is Natalie Reyes, I'm 23 years young living in the heart of Texas. I share my home with my 2-year-old white German Shepherd named Mylo and my best friend, who is my mother.

I have a big heart and an ambitious outlook on life. I always tell people who I meet that I don't think I would be half the woman I am if it wasn't for my mother. I think she's the person I get my big and forgiving heart from, but I am also a person who tends to wear their heart of their sleeve a majority of the time (maybe it's a Gemini thing).

In August 2014, I graduated from high school with goals of going to a well-known university. Rather it was in Texas, or out of state, I did not care. I was anxious to be next in line after my mother to attend college to take advantage of my time still being under the age of twenty. 

I started at a community college due to personal finances near my home and received my associate's degree in English in 2017. I then transferred to a 4-year university during fall 2017 to complete my degree in English and minor in legal studies. I am currently a senior at my university and will walk the stage May 2019. I am in a time of my life where my heart is filled with gratitude from being near to obtaining my bachelor's degree, but I am also terrified in finishing undergrad school because that means law school is around right the corner! (Yikes!)

Preparing for law school has not been easy and I always feel when I'm lying down in bed that I am forgetting to do something. But isn't that every college student? I had tried many times to venture away from wanting to be an attorney due to law school being overpriced and the workload that comes with being an attorney. I thought about becoming a police woman, a firefighter, EMT, and a personal trainer. But after getting accepted into a pre-law program at my university with courses that I will come across in law school, I loved the idea of wanting to become an attorney and knew that it was a career I would not mind dedicating my life to because I loved a challenge and serving the community. The areas of laws attorneys can practice is very diverse and fascinating to me. The fact that there is such a diversity of areas of law that can be practiced in the legal professional lead to opportunities being endless (which I love the most).

About The Journey to Becoming
The Journey to Becoming is a blog to share opinions, advice, and research with any future or current law students. My goal is to blog weekly for the next 10 weeks about topics that relate to a career in the legal field and current issues in the legal profession.

If you'd like to say hello, need advice, or have advice, please do not hesitate.

Natalie R

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End of Semester Thoughts